Actionable Incidental Findings and Follow-Up

Ensure the efficient and effective identification of all patients who need follow-up care for

Heart Disease

Lung Disease

Vascular Disease

Adrenal Disease

Pancreatic Disease

Optimize Patient Follow-up

We provide rapid access to EMR data that speeds clinical decision-making and improves patient follow-up care and outcomes.

Unlock Actionable EMR Data

Access clinical information in real-time even from patient records stored across multiple systems.

Simplify Patient Management

We partner with clinicians and administrators to solve challenges affecting the entire patient care journey.

Software and services that facilitate the development of incidental surveillance and screening programs.

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Workflow Conscious AI-powered solutions that improve EMR data access, management, and insights.

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About Illuminate

Our client collaborations enable us to provide industry-leading solutions that improve the lives of doctors and their patients by improving patient follow-up and the management of incidentalomas.

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What Our Clients Say

Find out why our clients report Illuminate’s solutions helping them work faster and smarter—ultimately delivering higher quality, more efficient patient care.

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Illuminate partners with clinicians and administrators to create technology solutions.

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