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Discover how a Clinical Surveillance Program not only enhances patient care but also boosts revenue, all within just six months. This white paper delves into the limitations of traditional surveillance methods, uncovers new revenue sources, and outlines the key success factors for a rapid ROI. Read to learn how to transform your healthcare system’s patient follow-up and surveillance strategies.
The use of AI to make better use of unstructured healthcare data in the EHR creates a significant opportunity to improve patient care. However, AI algorithms benefits are impacted by how they were trained. Read this white paper to learn about the key considerations affecting AI performance and their impact on staff productivity and patient targeting.
Little attention has been paid to the importance of the ongoing surveillance of patients with incidentally found lung nodules. Read this white paper to learn about the key issues affecting the implementation of a successful incidental lung nodule surveillance program.
Read this white paper to understand the challenges limiting effective AAA patient screening and surveillance and the success factors and benefits of a successful program.
This case study summarizes the incremental financial benefits the UMass Memorial vascular surgery department realized during the first 3 years of their new Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) surveillance program. A 100% ROI and over a 160% increase in vascular surgeries!
Read this case study to learn about an innovative program at UCDavis Health. It is identifying at-risk abdominal aortic aneurysm patients who may have been ‘lost-to-follow-up’ care and ensuring they get back into the care system.
This case study reviews how the UC Davis IT department helped the UC Davis vascular surgery department implement a new aneurysm surveillance program and directly contribute to improved patient care.
This case study reviews how the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Anatomic Pathology department improved access to all available patient data after implementing AI powered software from Illuminate.
This case study reviews how the CHOP Radiology department realized faster access to all available patient data, regardless of where it is stored, after implementing AI powered software from Illuminate.
In this talk we explore the limitations of lung cancer screening, and how incidental lung nodule patients can still be “lost to follow-up,” despite the best efforts of caregivers.
Watch this short video to hear a vascular surgeon share her thoughts about the importance of an aneurysm surveillance program, the lessons learned, and the benefits realized.
These four videos review how an enterprise solution to the follow-up tracking problem can benefit a lung nodule program. We explore how the convergence of people, process, and technology can minimize the burden of patient follow-up while
enabling improvements in patient outcomes, a reduction in medicolegal risk, and generate incremental revenue.
This video introduces why patients who require follow-up care must be more than identified in order to close gaps in care. It also reviews why automation is necessary to minimize demands on already overburdened staff.
In this video we talk about the pain points impacting healthcare providers, which underscores the need for an AI approach towards identifying, prioritizing and managing patients who need follow-up care.
This video delves into how "workflow-conscious A" can efficiently identify, prioritize, and manage patient cohorts, thereby enabling overburdened healthcare staff to implement a comprehensive patient follow-up and surveillance program.
This video explores the transformative power the previously review solutions to improve patient care, boost revenue, and reduce medical-legal risks. This talk highlights the potential to fulfill the promise of the digital EMR.