One Platform for Managing ALL Incidental Findings

If your EMR is capturing incidental findings and diagnoses that are lost to follow-up, wouldn’t you like to know? Illuminate Discovery360 combines our people, process, and Workflow Conscious AI to prevent patients with incidentalomas from being “lost to follow-up” and save more lives with existing clinical resources.

Ensure Timely

Enable unstructured clinical data to drive timely patient care

Improve Patient
Follow-up Care

Follow up with patients to elevate care and improve outcome.

Uncover New Revenue Streams

Rapid ROI from incremental imaging, testing, and surgical procedures.

Close the Loop on
Patient Follow-Up Tracking

Illuminate Discovery360’s Workflow Conscious AI technology combs through your EMR data to identify, track, and treat disease. Here’s how it works:

Our Nurse Navigator service can manage and run all aspects of your surveillance program, enabling coveted clinical staff to focus on direct patient follow-up care.

Our navigator team will follow your departmental policies when setting up clinical workflows and protocols, including analytics to help measure the success of your follow-up surveillance program.

Applicable to Many Diseases

Discovery360 incorporates the people, process, and technology to identify lost patients with a range of disease entities. We currently offer solutions for discovering and managing the following diseases. If you’re interested in applying Discovery360 to a disease, but don’t see it on this list yet, reach out and let us know.



Patients whose aneurysms are repaired prior to rupture have at least a 90% survival rate. The survival rate drops to 20% at rupture. 

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Complications of aortic aneurysmal disease (thoracic and abdominal) are a leading cause of death in the United States. Most go undetected.

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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related death worldwide, and only 16% of lung cancers in the US are detected at early stages.

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Incidental adrenal masses are common, estimated to occur in approximately 3% to 7% of adults.

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2.2% of upper abdominal CT exams and 19.6% of MRI exams report a pancreatic cystic lesion which may be malignant and need follow up or intervention.

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IVC Filter

The FDA reported 921 IVC filter complications between 2005 and 2010, including ebolizations at the filter site, IVC penetration, IVC obstruction, and more.

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IVC Filter



Every 18 minutes, a brain aneurysm ruptures in the U.S.; 

50% of these are fatal.

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Discovery360 incorporates the following Illuminate solutions. Together they streamline clinical staff workflows by making vital clinical information and operational insights available on-demand and at the point of care.

Close the loop on patient follow-up tracking.

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Relevant patient information
at the point of read.

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Meaningful data to improve your practice.

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Discovery360 reviewed our entire PACS allowing us to identify and contact at-risk patients who had no idea they needed additional care.

Steven Okuhn, MD
Vascular Surgeon Kaiser Permanente
San Francisco Medical Center