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Ann Rhodes BSN, RN

Nurse Navigator

Ann has decades of experience in both clinical and administrative settings. With an extensive background in hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and clinic management, she joined a team of vascular surgeons and radiologists at Kaiser Permanente in 2002 to create a program to monitor aortic stent graft patients to improve patient outcomes. In 2003, Kaiser Permanente used her work to  design a tracking system to identify all aneurysms in their patients, and Ann was chosen to manage the program. 

Ann has worked with vascular surgeons, cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons to develop protocols to follow identified pre-op and post-op aneurysm patients. Prior to retiring in 2016, Ann was instrumental in starting an Aneurysm Screening Program within Kaiser. 

In her role as Nurse Navigator, Ann seamlessly collaborates with vascular surgeons and primary care providers to implement and monitor the follow-up surveillance of at-risk patients identified through Illuminate DiscoveryServices™ algorithms. Once set up—using Illuminate ActKnowledge™ and the local EMR—Ann monitors patient surveillance remotely, to ensure that at-risk patients are followed and treated as intended.